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    【DMM R18 Fanza JAV 13gvh00250】 Beautiful Teacher Stuck In Delinquent S*****t's Web Rin Kira. Rin stands at the lectern of a school in the city. She is a beautiful and popular teacher, a prim and proper educator who has earned the respect of the S*****ts and her fellow teachers. So let me tell you about Rin. She's the assistant homeroom teacher of a class of delinquents, and was worried about how to deal with them. Suzuki and Kameda were always smoking on school property, bullying the janitors, and engaged in other questionable acts. Rin would reprimand them, but to no avail. One day, Suzuki called her, and told her, "we're sorry about all the things we've done ... so I'd like for you to hear us out." She believed them, and went to a place designated by them ... but there, waiting for her, was .... A Beautiful Teacher Surrounded By Horrible S*****ts. 不良生徒の巣に堕ちた美人教師 吉良りん 都内の某校で教壇に立つ「りん」。真面目で美人である彼女は生徒からも同僚の教師からも人気の教師。そんな「りん」なのだが、自身が副担任を務めるクラスの不良生徒達の素行に悩んでいた。その生徒「鈴木」と「亀田」は堂々と校内で喫煙したり、清掃員を虐めたりしている。「りん」が注意をしても全く聞かず「りん」は困り果てていた。そんなある日、突然「鈴木」から呼び出され「俺達、反省したから…話を聞いて欲しい」という言葉を信じて、彼らの話しを聞くために指定された場所へ赴くのだが…そこで「りん」を待ち受けていたのは…。※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 不良生徒の巣に堕ちた美人教師。

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