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【DMM R18 Fanza JAV 140c01911】 A Life of Travels Special Issue The World Is Made Out Of Songs -. "The world isn't as nice a place as it is in songs. Which is why I want to sing about hope and dreams." This is the entry a female singer wrote in her diary during her secret journey. This production, directed by Kochi Takahashi, is a truly compelling variation on the theme of a married woman's adulterous journey. Shoko's 40 years old, unmarried, no children. "That's because singing is my life..." she explains. Songs have always helped her get by, in times of sadness as in times of joy. However, Shoko's been facing this rather abnormal physical condition for a few years now. Heavy asthma and pain in the arms and shoulders, and it's killing off her solo career. She must find the courage to stop or to continue. That's when she set off on an introspective journey to help herself take this terrible decision.. A Life of Travels. 人生紀行 番外篇 ~世界は歌で出来ている~ 世界は歌のように優しくはない。だからこそ、夢と希望を歌いたい―。これはとある女性シンガーの決意を秘めた旅の記録である。人妻不倫旅行スピンオフ企画・高橋浩一監督作品番外編。翔子40歳・結婚暦無し・子供無し。「歌は私の人生だから…」どんなに辛くても苦しくても歌があれば生きていけた。しかし、数年前から体調に異変が…重度の喘息と腕や肩の痛み。それは弾き語りをする上で致命的だった…。続けるのも辞めるのも勇気が必要…40歳になった女性は決断をする為に人生を振り返る旅に出た。 特集: 素人系AVメーカー特集ライブチャット 人妻フロアでキャンペーン中! 人生紀行。

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